I would like to share some of my experiences of practicing yoga over a 30 year period.
I came to yoga as a young woman, looking for both a physical and spiritual experience, and a practice to help me make sense of both myself and the world I was living in. Life was tough then: I had two young children (one of whom who had serious medical issues), was recently separated , and carried the burden of supporting myself and my little family. Those early experiences on the mat with Nicky Knoff offered me a small rest from the pressures of life, reminded me that I had a body that needed to be cared for, and allowed me to begin the journey of exploring my inner life. Always I felt better after a practice, always life’s challenges seemed a little more manageable, and always I felt a little more peace in my heart. Once you have a taste of that peace, however small, it becomes a life long journey to access, and explore more deeply.
30 years later and my yoga practice is both the same and different. Some poses are easier, and some are harder. I’m meditating for the same reasons, and different reasons, and as life’s pressures have eased,maintaining focus has become a little more accessible.
It is still a journey, and I’m still working to access and deepen that experience of peace.
For those of you in a similar place, Yoga Journal has some great resources to help.
I would love to share this experience with you.